Character Profiles The Saviors Christian Fletcher Alyssa Harvé Gan-el Takashi Hichiro Kenji Samato Layna Samato Azura Florence Isabelle Florentina Baron Bancroft Artemis Bellemore Promethia Bellemore Yuri Nakama Arthur Tarrent Lyra Faye Alice Blaize Eden’s Students Alana Harvé Sacryll Liberty Ouranos Harvé Winter Dracona Eric Liberty Beatrix Icehammer Ezra Darkflame Dante Phoenix Jonathan Michael Derek Zeller Jason Zeller Zayden Waythorn The Nine Eden Laurence Vice Nathaniel Shadoweater Gaira Lexons The Shapeshifter Veronica, The Witch Queen Persephone Gravestone Corentine, The Lady of the Storms Nessus, The Demon Swordsman